
White Polypropylene Printed Woven Bag Bag 25kg with "M" Folded Edge

PP woven bag with side gussets

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The material used for both regular woven bags and M Folded Edge Woven Bags is polypropylene.但是,折疊邊緣袋的材料更堅固,可以承受更大的重量,因為在準備袋子打開和切割時,袋子的開口將折疊一次或多次,以確保編織袋的強度。 通常用於重載包裝,例如建築材料,化學原材料,農業材料等。優勢:1,袋子的口更加牢固,可以避免在重負荷下的外觀2 ress the Off ins the Offerty the Offerty the Offips the Offips the Offips the Offers the Offips the Offerty the Offips the Offips the Offips the Offerty,避免在範圍內打印出更飽滿,美麗的圖案和字符。對於膨潤土,水泥和其他產品,在使用編織袋時,您可以在編織袋中添加一個內袋,因此產生灰塵和污染,包括環境保護,而且還使用資源編織袋並不容易。 2、can not be placed in the sun, as well as humid environment 3、 pay attention to protect the quality of the bag contents, do not drag, friction, shaking or strong hangingOur Customized ServicesMinimum and maximum widths30 cm to 80 cmMinimum and maximum lengths

50 cm to 110 cm

Minimum and maximum widths

Printing colors


Minimum and maximum lengths

1 to 8

Fabric colours

Printing colors


Coating or Lamnination


Fabric colours

Grammage/weight of the fabric

55 gr to 125 gr

Lining Options


Grammage/weight of the fabric

Yes or no

Features Of M-fold side Woven Bags

Lining Options

Multi Color Custom Printing

Coating or Lamnination

Clear or Transparent Poly Woven Bags

Pillow or Gusseted Style Bags

+ Easy Open Pull Strips

+Coating or LamninationBuilt-in Tie String


+ Built-in Drawstring

+ Sewn-in Label

+ Sewn-in Carrying HandlesCoating or Lamnination

+ UV Treatment

+ Anti Slip Construction

+ Food Grade

+ Micro Perforations

+ Custom Machine Holes

+ Uses

+ Orchard

+ Transpart

+ Soil

Garden Hay