
China pp woven fabric factory

FIBC bag

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Damp-proof Antistatic 1ton 2tons Heavy Thick Jumbo bag pp FIBC bag
  • PP woven bag with printing

    Woven bag with blue-orange stripes "65x110 "cm for 50 kg of rice grains
  • Customised Plastic Packaging for Agricultural Products PP Woven 25kg 50kg Feed Bags

    Woven bag with blue-orange stripes "65x110 "cm for 50 kg of rice grains
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    Woven bag with blue-orange stripes "65x110 "cm for 50 kg of rice grains
No.9, NingBo Road, Shuyang Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province, CHINA. +86-0527-8337 6699 6699信息家庭產品有關美國博客的信息家庭產品與我們聯繫我們的產品PP Woven Bag woven bag polaft poly kraft polaft pp pp woven farbric rolbric rolber lod copter toce to coperth fible coperth fible copyrt firest fible copyrt firest 2222222222

Transparent pp laminated bags are  one of the types of woven bags that have been specially crafted. 


After being covered with film, the woven bag has a smoother and brighter surface due to the addition of a thin and transparent plastic film. This not only improves the glossiness and fastness of the printed material, but also extends the service life of the woven bag. At the same time, the plastic film also plays a protective role in moisture-proof, waterproof, stain proof, wear-resistant, folding resistant, and chemical corrosion resistant.

 Precautions for using transparent pp laminated bags :

1. Do not rub, hook or collide with other objects during homework.

2. When using a forklift to operate the container bag, please do not let the fork come into contact with or puncture the bag body to prevent puncturing the container bag.

3. When transporting in the workshop, try to use pallets as much as possible and avoid hanging the container bags while shaking while moving.

4. Do not drag the container bag on the ground or concrete.

5. When it is necessary to store the container bag outdoors, it should be placed on the shelf and must be tightly covered with an opaque canopy.

6. After use, wrap the container bag with paper or opaque cloth and store it in a ventilated place.

Features Of Transparent PP Laminated Bags

最小寬度和最大寬度打印顏色的織物顏色顏色的語法/織物襯裡的重量果園轉運土壤花園洪水氾濫的種子儲存肥料垃圾袋中PP編織織物的織物防潮1ton 2tons 2tons 2tons 2ton防水pp板袋包裝米飯 - 袋國王家用產品PP彩色袋彩色袋透明袋透明編織袋帶有側圓形的袋子袋裝袋裝套裝pp woven woven te ninter pp woven woven woven woven袋(pp+pe)ven袋子袋裝袋裝袋裝袋裝袋裝袋裝袋裝袋裝袋裝袋裝袋裝袋裝Raschel網狀袋管狀網狀袋Poly Kraft紙袋PP編織面料捲捲板捲板捲卷FIBC BAG BOPP圍繞我們的博客與我們聯繫我們的bogking家居產品pp woven pp woven bag bag袋,防水PP層壓袋,用於包裝大米定制設計25公斤透明的防水PP PP層壓袋,用於包裝米飯透明的PP PP PP PP層壓袋</p>免費樣品我們可以提供樣品1尺寸的樣品2尺寸樣本樣本3尺寸的尺寸尺寸透明pp pp pp層壓袋是專門手工製作的Woven袋子的一部分。

Minimum and maximum widths

30 cm to 80 cm


Minimum and maximum lengths

50 cm to 110 cm


Printing colors


1 to 8


Fabric colours





Grammage/weight of the fabric

55 gr to 125 gr


Liner option


Yes or no

Our Customized Services

+ Multi Color Custom Printing

+ Clear or Transparent Poly Woven Bags

+ Pillow or Gusseted Style Bags

+ Easy Open Pull Strips

+ Sewn-in Inner Poly Liners

+ Built-in Tie String 

+ Built-in Drawstring

+ Sewn-in Label

+ Sewn-in Carrying Handles

+ Coating or Lamnination

+ UV Treatment

+ Anti Slip Construction

+ Food Grade

+ Micro Perforations

+ Custom Machine Holes
