The use of woven bags, most of them are directly with scissors to cut from the center, this is convenient and quick, but then use it later, it's not very good to seal, in fact, the threads of the woven bag is a method of disassembly. 1,拆卸線助記符:從右到左的單線行為首先要觀察密封線兩側的袋子,一側是用一條線縫製的,即” - “ - ” - “這側;另一側用雙線縫製,即“ = = =”側。 2,抬起袋子,將單線側放在自己身上,將密封折到單線上的雙線右側,將剪刀插入袋子旁邊的單線,靠近袋子的邊緣進行切割。 3、 pull out the single side line of the thread, find the double line side of the thread, pull the two sides of the thread, gently pull, the packaging seal line will be very easy to dismantle
Advantage: 1、Has good strength and toughness, can ensure the safety of carrying items 2、Clear fonts, uniform and bright colors of printing patterns 3、Resistant to tensile, puncture and heat to meet the requirements of use 4、Use of environmentally friendly materials to minimize pollution of the environment
Precautions for using easy-open woven bags: 1、 pay attention to the weight-bearing capacity of the woven bag, the general woven bag can be loaded with heavier items, but to avoid loading more than the weight-bearing items, in order to avoid damage to the woven bag or can not be carried. 2,帶有編織袋來攜帶物品,如果較重,不方便移動,請勿在地面上拖動,以免將土壤泥土到織布袋的內部,或者導致形成編織袋袋絲綢裂紋! 3、woven bags can be recycled after use, you can accumulate a certain amount, contact the recycling station recycling, do not discard, to avoid pollution of the environment