Abstract: It is very convenient to use woven bags to load items, general woven bag packaging will be sealed with a sealing machine, open many friends are using scissors to cut directly, although convenient, but can not continue to use, in fact, the seal of the woven bag is a method of dismantling, to find the two sides of the sealing line, a single line to their own, from right to left to open can be, very convenient. Usus texta sacculos, sed attende vitare loading AUCTARIUM items vitare scelerisque in terra, ne abiicias post usum et alia. Infra intelligere quam ut removere filum de texta peram.
I, quam ad removere filum de texta peram
Many friends have used to discuss the woven bag, in addition to loaded industrial and agricultural supplies, more tang see is loaded with rice bags, the use of woven bags, most of them are directly with scissors from the middle of the cut, so that although convenient and quick, but then later reuse it is not very good to seal, in fact, the threads of the woven bag is a method of dismantling, then how to pull the door of the woven bag to aperiam?
1.Dismantle lineam Mnemonic: una recta ad sua, a dextra ad sinistram, specifica modum ad primum observare sacculum utrinque signa linea, una parte consuti una linea est "" hinc Altera latus consutum duplici linea, idest "= = = =" ex una parte.
II. Surge sacculum, posuit una linea ad se, complicare sigillum, in hoc tempore videre duplex linea dextram in una linea inserta in unum lineam ad eam, ad extremum peram et incisum
3.pull ex una parte linea filo, invenire duplici linea parte filo trahere utrinque ex filo subtegmen, packaging signa linea erit facillime ad unwraping!
Dum serpens cutis sacculo commendatur parare axicia vel ferro si non paratus potes etiam in nudis manibus. With scissors or knife to unseal, along the opening of the snake skin bag to cut or scratch can be: unarmed to unseal, in the snake skin bag above a sealing line, find one end with a terminal, will be unravelled, along the side of the more line pulling hard, and then at the other end of the single line at the pull can be.
II, plastic texta peram usus cautiones
Plastic textile sacculos late in fertilizers, eget products et packaging materiae, ut producat multus of commodum ad populum scriptor vitam, sed in usum plastic textile est, etiam habemus aliquas remiserit, ut etiam quaedam res indigebat.
I. Operam ad onus-afferentem facultatem in textili sacculo, in generali texta peram potest onustus gravior items, sed ad vitare loading magis quam onus-afferentem pondus vel non ferri.
II, cum texta ad portare items, si gravior, incommodum movere non trahunt super terram portare, ut non solo in interiorem texta sacculum vel ducere ad formationem sacculos sacculum sericum elit.
III, texturibus sacculos potest esse recycled post usum, vos can cumulare quaedam moles, contact ad redivivus statione redivivus, non abiicias, ad vitare pollutio in environment.
IV. Usus textile sacculos packaging items pro diu-distantia onerariis, vos postulo ut operias quidam de textili peram tarpaulin aut humorem-probationem panno, ut vitare dirige solis vel pluvia corrosio
V. Texta sacculos ad vitare contactus cum acidum, Vocatus, gasoline et alia alchicals