Xov Xwm Center

Cov hnab ntim yas ntim yog ua los ntawm cov khoom yas, raws li cov khoom siv ntim cov khoom sib txawv, ua los ntawm ntau yam ntxwv sib txawv, muaj feem xyuam rau cov khoom sib txawv.

1, high-siab polyethylene yas hnab

High-siab polyethylene, tseem hu ua cov polyethylene tsawg (LDPE), lub pob tshab ntawm cov yas hnab yas feem ntau zoo dua li cov roj polyethylene tsawg dua li cov roj av tsawg. Nws lub ntsiab siv muaj 3 pawg:

A, zaub mov ntim: pastries, khaub noom, qoob loo, khoom kib, khoom noj qab zib, tshuaj yej hmoov, tshuaj yej, thiab lwm yam .;

B, fiber ntau cov khoom ntim: tsho, khaub ncaws, khaub ncaws cov khoom muag, tshuaj fiber ntau;

C, cov khoom lag luam txhua hnub ntim.

2, cov roj polyethylene yas

Tsawg-siab polyethylene, tseem hu ua high-ntom polyethylene high-crystallinity, feem ntau ib nrab ntawm high-siab polyethylene HDPE cov khoom lag luam tsis zoo. Nws lub ntsiab siv yog 4 pawg:

A, hnab rubbish, hnab yuav khoom;

B, hnab yas yooj yim, lub hnab kav khw, hnab tes, hnab av nplaum;

C, lub hnab tshiab;

D, Woven Hnab Sab Hauv Hnab

3, polypropylene yas hnab

Polypropylene yas hnab ntawm polypropylene sib tshuam rau polyethylene yuav tsis muaj zog qhov kev xav tau, tshwj xeeb yog cov khoom siv yas ntawm nws lub hnab yas muaj ntau dua.

Mas siv rau cov ntaub qhwv ntaub, cov khoom siv paj rwb koob, ris tsho ris tsho, tsho thiab lwm yam.

Thawj peb lub hnab yas vim nws tus kheej cov qauv qauv ntawm tsis-polar yog vim li cas yooj yim kom zas lossis luam tawm kev kho mob.

4, polyvinyl cloride yas hnab yas

Polyvinyl chloride plastic bags, by the polyvinyl chloride resin blow molding process, relative to the first three plastic bags, its material structure introduced the element of chlorine this substance, making its crystalline effect is very weak, the product's transparency is higher, at the same time due to the addition of chlorine elements, making the material itself with a certain polarity, easy to print colouring. Nws lub ntsiab siv rau 2 yam:

Ib lub hnab khoom plig;

B, hnab, hnab rau rab koob thiab cov khoom siv paj rwb, cov hnab kom hniav zoo nkauj;

5, biodegradable hnab yas

Cov hnab yas ib puag ncig yog txhua yam ntawm cov hnab yas yas tshwm tuaj yeem hloov cov khoom siv cov khoom siv yas tshwm sim, rau theem, PBS thiab lwm yam khoom siv polymer. Txhua tus tuaj yeem hloov cov tsoos PE yas yas. Kev tiv thaiv ib puag ncig yas tau siv dav dav ntau: lub hnab ntim khoom lag luam muag khoom, txawm tias cov ntim ntawm cov qauv tshiab muaj cov ntawv thov loj.